We are on our way to Christmas Island, where Tully is hopeful that it will be Christmas every day. It may not be Christmas, but it will be Australia again and therefore we can stock up on more supplies before the long passage to Mauritius. We will spend a few days on Christmas Island and […]
Surfing Indonesia

While I didn’t mind the volcano hike, what I truly wanted to do on Lombok was surf. In Darwin, I did a little research and found out that Lombok had decent surfing, including for beginner and intermediate levels. Cobin and I bought boogie boards in Tahiti but still haven’t been able to use them. It […]
Mt. Rinjani

The day after the Wildlife Park, we woke up at 5 am and hiked a volcano called Mt. Rinjani. It was Marin’s idea. The ARC had sent out a flier about a tour they were offering as well as other options offered by the same tour company. One of the options was an overnight hike […]
Medana Bay, Indonesia

Medana Bay Marina was not immediately impressive. After fighting a strong current in the Atlas Strait for most of the day, we were anxious to get to our destination. We arrived close to dusk and called the ARC staff, learning that we would have to spend the night on the boat and clear the next […]
Indonesia 2

Cobin celebrated the onset of his teenage years on the outskirts of the Indian Ocean. So far, he is a delightful teen-ager. We surprised him with “all day screen time” instead of school and, rather than retreating into a self-indulgent binge on devices, he shared all his electronics and gave the girls and Tyler tutorials […]
Indonesia 1

First, a big thanks to my brother Kyle who did me a huge favor this afternoon. I had made a commitment to a friend and didn’t follow through. Kyle helped me pick up the pieces and finish it. We are so lucky to have the support structure that we have. My mother regularly makes phone […]