Joe decided we needed a new dinghy and so he bought one. Then he found a good deal on a new motor so we bought that too. I was there when they delivered it and watched Joe start it up, thinking to myself – that’s a good idea – we should make sure it works. […]
Good stories
The Pit of Despair

We were having a pleasant stay in a little anchorage off the northeast coast of Sardinia with our new American friends on their catamaran, Sophie. Our kids had traveled back and forth between the boats over the course of a few days and were generally having a great time. We were enjoying ourselves as well. […]
The Day Charm Didn’t Sink
Lara, Cobin and Marin were installing required US Coast Guard stickers in the engine compartments when Cobin found this. It is a little hard to tell from the picture but yes, that is saltwater – about 15 inches worth. The blue thing is the exhaust trap. Glad we were tied to the dock when this […]
How Charm got her name
We had to name “the boat.” I came up lists of gods and goddesses. Joe came up with groups of animal names. We asked the kids. The finalists that I remember were Shiver, Charm, and maybe Zephyr, the west wind. Joe had all kinds of cool names for groups of animals – did you know […]