June 28, 2019 We have continued to enjoy Fiji. We left the Bay of Islands after some fantastic snorkeling, bat watching, and climbing. Next we traveled with Aurora B to Taveuni. We had some interesting experiences there and then left for the island of Vanua Levu where we are now moored, just outside of the […]
Month: June 2019
Fiji 6: Bay of Islands
June 25, 2019 We had another great day in the Bay of Islands. We were going to try a hike but it seemed quite far to get to the trailhead and then we got an invitation to join some other boats for a BBQ on a beach nearby. So that’s what we did. We spent […]
Fiji 5: Bay of Islands
June 24, 2019 We are in the Bay of Islands, Fiji! It’s a beautiful place with all kinds of limestone islands covered with gorgeous green foliage. We are anchored amidst larger and smaller islands in a small bay, hence the name. The water is nice but not particularly clear or full of visible coral in […]
Fiji 4 – Lomaloma
June 22, 2019 Today was boat repair, school, and a hike to the radio tower. Joe helped Aurora B replace some broken coolant hoses and refill the coolant so they are back in action. Poor Manihi is taking on water but no diagnosis as to why. All the ARC boats finished clearing Customs and Immigration […]
Fiji 3 – Arrival
June 21, 2019 Just a quick entry to say that we’ve arrived in Fiji. We are anchored by the village of Lomaloma, on the island of Vanua Balavu, in the Lau Group. I have learned the names of so many places I didn’t even know existed! It’s truly mind-numbing how many people there are, living […]
Fiji 1
June 19, 2019 It’s a lovely calm night on the South Pacific as we close in on the “halfway around the world” point. We have probably already crossed it for ourselves since we traveled to the Eastern Mediterranean in Charm. But to make it clean, we will soon be crossing 180 degrees of longitude, which […]
Tonga 14 – Haven’t left yet!

June 18, 2019 In a bit of foreshadowing – the photo of Joe and Marin is to show you that she is fully recovered and doesn’t hold a grudge. We had intended to leave this afternoon after getting fuel at the dock (quite a process – two fuel trucks were ordered for the ARC boats […]
Tonga 13 – Still in Tonga

June 17, 2019 Greetings from Tonga. It feels like we have been here a long time and not seen much outside of Neiafu, the main city on Vava’u. Tully even said, “Are we at this place AGAIN?” The ARC schedule and other constraints have kept us on the mooring ball more than some of us […]
Tonga 12 – More Tonga
June 14, 2019 We had a beautiful afternoon today after a couple of days of off-again, on-again, rainy weather. Joe figured out a way to attach a hose to the little hoses that drain water off our bimini so now we can route the rainwater right into our tanks instead of me collecting it in […]